Friday, May 19, 2006

Mogwai @ The Phoenix: Video

Mogwai, "Hunted By A Freak" live in Toronto, May 16, 2006.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mogwai @ The Phoenix

I saw Mogwai last night at the Phoenix Concert theatre -- one of my favourite venues in Toronto to see a show (click to see a slideshow).

The Phoenix is supposed to be the loudest club in Toronto, but I don't think Mogwai earned their "world's loudest band" credentials last night. Recent Doves and Meshuggah shows that I've seen were definitely louder. That said, I was grateful to have my earplugs. My entire body shook at times last night. I think I heard the speakers crackle a few times, which may have explained why the volume never reached critical levels; the mixer may have had no choice but to ease off a little bit due to monitor limitations.

As for the show itself -- absolutely wonderful. Everything you'd expect and hope for at a Mogwai concert. The atmosphere was excellent as the club will filled to the brim with what was clearly a large crew of devoted fans. People were packed inside, and it made for a hot, sticky, and smelly evening.

The stage was filled with many technological wonders. Mogwai are clearly gear freaks. I loved the way the band played with dynamics and worked the exquisite light show into their act. Lots of lovely blues and reds intermixed with some foggy effects. It was a visually intense show with lights flashing regularly directly into the audience.

Mogwai were great last night, pulling off their material with class and expertise.

Last night's set list:

# yes! i am a long way from home
# friend of the night
# killing all the flies
# travel is dangerous
# hunted by a freak
# mogwai fear satan
# i know you are but what am i?
# acid food
# summer
# may nothing but happiness come through your door
# helicon 1
# we're no here

# ratts of the capital
# glasgow megasnake

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